Zaicos Stantchev & Co. Barristers Solicitors & Notaries

Wills & Probate

Wills and probate services are legal services related to the creation, management, and execution of wills, as well as the administration of estates after a person's death.     


A will is a legal document that outlines how a person's assets and properties should be distributed after their death. It allows individuals (testators) to specify their wishes regarding the distribution of their estate, the appointment of executors (those responsible for carrying out the will's instructions), guardianship of minor children, and other important matters. To be valid, a will must meet certain legal requirements, such as being in writing, signed by the testator, and witnessed by witnesses who are not beneficiaries.

Wills and probate services include:

Drafting wills: Lawyers specialising in wills and probate can help individuals draft legally sound wills that accurately reflect their intentions and protect the interests of beneficiaries.

Reviewing existing wills: Legal professionals can review existing wills to ensure they are up-to-date, valid, and comply with current laws.

Amending or updating wills: In certain situations, a will may need to be modified due to changes in personal circumstances, family situations, or changes in the law. Lawyers can assist in making such amendments (codicils) or, if necessary, drafting new wills.


Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person's will is proven to be valid, and their estate is administered and distributed to the beneficiaries. The process involves various tasks, such as:

Applying for probate: The executor or personal representative named in the will applies to the court for probate, seeking authorisation to administer the estate.

Estate administration: The executor is responsible for gathering the deceased person's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries according to the will's instructions.

Estate distribution: After all debts and taxes are paid, the executor distributes the assets to the beneficiaries as specified in the will.

Wills and probate services include:

Probate application assistance: Lawyers can help with the legal procedures and paperwork required to apply for probate.

Estate administration: Legal professionals can guide executors through the complex process of administering the estate and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Estate dispute resolution: In case of disagreements or disputes over the will or estate, lawyers can help mediate or represent clients in court.

Wills and probate services are crucial for ensuring that a person's final wishes are respected and their estate is handled efficiently and in accordance with the law. Seeking professional legal assistance in these matters can help alleviate stress and provide peace of mind during difficult times.

Wills & Probate

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